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Beginner Class 9th & 16th Feb '08 Notes (4th/5th lesson)

So sorry I was really busy with the open house so didn't post the 4th lesson notes on time...nyway, here's both the 4th and 5th lesson notes together =P

Terms used for step/body direction
1. en croix -- in the shape of a cross or crucifix (eg. battement tendu en croix)
2. en face -- facing the audience
3. croise -- crossed (crossed position facing the corner)
4. ouvert -- open (open position facing the corner)

New Barre Exercises
1. Ronds de Jambes a terre en dehor and en dedan
~ Rond de Jambe = round of the leg
~ a terre = earth (on the floor)
~ en dehor = outwards
~ en dedan = inwards

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