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Beginner Class 1st Lesson Notes

Hello...this is a post to help those who weren't able to make it for the first lesson, as well as to refresh the memories of those who made it for the class! Classes are progressive, so absentees have to catch up!

These are the things we learnt during the first lesson...either research about it online or borrow library books, or ask your ballet classmates before the next lesson. If all else fails, you can email or sms me...but spoon feeding ends after one month. Terms are in french...I'll give a literal translation where needed.

1. Correct posture in ballet
2. Positions of the arms (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, demi seconde, demi bras)

3. Positions of the feet (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)

~Video of Arms and Feet together

4. Port de bras -- carriage of the arms
5. How to point your feet

Barre exercises
1. Demi-plies in 1st and 2nd position
-- demi=half, plie=bend
2. Battements tendus
-- battement=beat, tendu=stretch

Centre exercises
1. Port de bras
2. Rises and Releves in 1st and 2nd position (depending on class progress)
-- It is very important you remember not to sickle, as sickling weakens the ankle joint and displaces your weight distribution on your foot, making it less stable and more prone to sprains!
Credits to: https://learnaboutballet.wordpress.com/tag/sickle/

3. Sautes (jumps) in Parallel and 1st position
-- remember that all jumps should begin and end in a good turned out demi-plie with knees over your toes. make sure that the heel does not leave the floor in your demi-plie position...this is to allow you to stretch out your achilles tendon and prevent any injury from tensing muscles.

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