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Open House on 16th Feb '08!

Open house is targeted to be held on Saturday, 16th February, 8.30-9.30pm. We can invite friends and relatives to take a look at what we've been up to every saturday/sunday night. Everyone's invited! (Including those who happen to chance upon this blog...do email me if u need more details. =P)

For the time being, programe should be as follows:
1. Introduction to ballet and try-for-fun for all invited guests
2. Mini Performance A -- 'The Swan' Port de Bra exercise (Level 1 and 2)
3. Mini Performance B -- Tendu Enchainement to Esmeralda variation music (Level 1 and 2)
4. Mini Performance C -- 'Trepak' from The Nutcracker (Level 2 and 3)

I'll try to get some refreshments prepared for this...not confirmed though...seeing our tight schedule haha! Pls let me know how many pple you'll be inviting okie? thank you!! Yupz..will keep you guys updated =P

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